
Friday, 24 November 2017

Reading Challange

24th of November
Hello bloggers today i am going to talk about reading challenge.
So today we had to do a poster presentation about my reading groups.The one i did was Enid Blyton because that was the group i was in.First i am going to talk about what went well?
the thing that went well was we were kind of working as a team and we all spoke by one by one as we were telling the class about Enid Blyton so yeah i think we did pretty well.The next thing i am going to talk about is what i would change in my group?The thing i would like to change in my group is put more information in the page because i felt like there was less information in the page.Did you work well together.Yeah i thing we did well with our reading challenge cause we explained everything well.
So yeah that was my reading challenge 
of what we did.
That's it for from Levi
see you next time
bye bye

Monday, 20 November 2017

Athletics Day

Kia ora bloggers,
Today i am going to talk our school athletics,
So athletics day is when you have sports like high jump, tug of war and other awesome stuff.When we had athletics day it was in 13th of november.Also the athletics day was held in hay park school field.The team i was in was blue team,it was kind of fun to be blue because that was i school colour and we could,just wear i school uniform.My favorite activity was tug of war because we got to use all of our strength in it and we got to pull the rope really hard.I think our team did pretty good in athletics day but we came 6th place which is not bad at all.Our chant was our team is blue dynamite x2 our team is tic x13 blue dynamite.At the end i think lots of people supported us in sprinting and they also cheered for us while we were doing our other sports.
So year that was the best day of my life