
Tuesday, 1 August 2017


Camp 2017
On Wednesday 29th on july it was a very Exciting day because i was going to camp.It was my first time going to camp before.When i woke up i had to get all my bags ready to go.After that when i got to school i had to put my bags next to the hall door where that littel room is.I was feeling a bit down because this was my first time going away from my grandperents.After when everyonegot to thes hall we had to wait for the bus to arrivre for us to pick us up.Our camp was at long bay where the beach was. When all of the children and all the perents and also teachers,the first activity we did was planting where the beach was.I was having fun planting because it was my first time planting ever in my life.I dug 5 plants in the sand becasue i was enjoying my self and i could not get over it,so thats why i dug 5 plants.On thursday group 5 did archery with dave and this other Instructor witch i do not know his name because i forgot.First step was to line up in a stright line and also wait for our turn.